English translation of ancillary copyright for publishers as passed by German government

On August 29 2012, German federal government passed a revision of the national Copyright Act granting ancillary copyright protection for news publishers. This move intends to give publishers a similar protection of their investments in content as other creative industries such as music and film have enjoyed for decades. The rapid growth of aggregation on the internet left publishers often unprotected against business models relying on copying their material. To help non-German speakers access the copyright revision this blog presents a non-official private translation. Errors in translation cannot be excluded. The revision is being sent to German parliament Bundestag for deliberation.

Draft Legislation for Enactment by the German Federal Government

Draft of a Seventh Revision of the Copyright Act of the Federal Republic of Germany

A. Problem and Objective

The purpose of this draft legislation is to ensure that publishers in the online area are not placed at a disadvantage relative to other aggregators of works. In order improve the protections accorded to news publications on the Internet, ancillary copyright protections will be introduced for news publishing houses producing this content in the first instance.

B. Solution

The following amendments to the Copyright Act of the Federal Republic of Germany (Urheberrechtsgesetz [UrhG]) are proposed:

The ancillary copyright protections for news publishing houses grant these companies the exclusive right to make published news material publicly available on the Internet for commercial purposes. The protection, however, is provided only against systematic forms of access to published materials by providers of search engines and providers of online services that aggregate content in the manner of a search engine. The reason for this is that their business model is particularly oriented towards accessing published materials for the benefit of these providers’ own added value. Accordingly, these new protections will not apply to other users such as e.g. bloggers, companies or other commercial businesses, associations, law firms or private and unpaid users. The proposed provision thus signifies no change at all to possible uses by other users, or for consumers. The proposed ancillary copyright for news publishers will have no impact with regard to their rights and interests.

News publishing houses can only demand that providers of search engines, and providers of such services that aggregate this content in similar fashion, refrain from unauthorised forms of usage, and it is only these providers that will be required to purchase licences for such usage. This does not apply to pure linkage and forms of usage within the scope of the freedom to cite passages of published works.

C. Alternatives


D. Budgetary Outlays without Compliance Costs

No budgetary outlays without compliance costs are anticipated at the German federal, state or local government levels.

E. Compliance Costs

E.1 Compliance Costs to the Citizenry

There will be no compliance costs incurred by the citizenry.

E.2 Compliance Costs to the Business Community

The law results in compliance costs to the business community. Because the magnitude of these costs cannot be estimated with a reasonable amount of effort at this time, an estimate of the compliance costs to the business community is not possible with a reasonable amount of effort.

Of this amount, costs of bureaucracy due to disclosure responsibilities and duties to provide information:


E.3 Compliance Costs to Public Administration

The draft legislation does not involve any compliance costs to public administration.

F. Further Costs


Draft Legislation for Enactment by the German Federal Government

Draft of a Seventh Revision of the Copyright Act of the Federal Republic of Germany

of …

The Bundestag has passed the following law:

Article 1

Revision of the Copyright Act of the Federal Republic of Germany

The Copyright Act of the Federal Republic of Germany of 9 September 1965 (BGBl. I p. 1273), amended most recently by … , is hereby amended as follows:

1.   In the Table of Contents, following the entry relative to § 87e, the following information is hereby inserted:

Section 7

Protection of News Publishers

§ 87f News Publishers

§ 87g Transferability, Life and Limits of Rights

§ 87h Author’s Claim to a Share in the Proceeds.

2.   Following § 87e, the following Section 7 is hereby inserted:

Section 7

Protection of News Publishers

§ 87f

News Publishers

(1) The producer of news materials (news publisher) shall have the exclusive right to make said materials publicly available, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes. If the news publication has been produced in a company, the owner of that company shall be considered the producer of the publication.

(2) A news publication shall be defined as an editorially determined compendium of journalistic articles within the scope of a collection periodically published under a particular title that, considering the overall situation, must be deemed predominantly typical of a publishing house, and that is not issued primarily in service of self-promotion. Specifically, journalistic articles shall be defined as such articles and images as are intended to convey information, to assist in the shaping of opinions, or to entertain the recipients thereof.

§ 87g

Transferability, Life and Limits of Rights

(1) The right of the news publisher shall be transferable under § 87f paragraph 1 clause 1. §§ 31 and 33 shall apply accordingly.

(2) The right shall expire one year following publication of the news material in question.

(3) The right of the news publisher cannot be asserted to the detriment of the author or of any party entitled to copyright protection whose work or object of protection under this Act is contained in the news material.

(4) The provision of public access to news publications or parts thereof shall be permissible to the extent that this access is not provided by commercial operators of search engines or commercial providers of services that aggregate this content in a respective fashion. For the remainder, the provisions of Part 1 Section 6 shall apply accordingly.

§ 87h

Author’s Claim to a Share in the Proceeds

The author shall be provided with a reasonable share of the remunerations issuing from the author’s work.

Article 2

Effective Date

This Act shall take effect on  … [insert: first day of the third calendar month following promulgation].


A. General Part

I. Aim and Object of the Draft Legislation

In keeping with the Coalition Agreement, this draft legislation provides for the introduction of an ancillary right of copyright for news publishing houses. This is intended to ensure that publishing houses in the online area are not placed at a disadvantage relative to other aggregators of works; it is also intended to improve the protections accorded to news materials published on the Internet.

II. An Overview of the Primary Provisions

The purpose of introduction of ancillary copyright protections for publishing houses is to take due account of news publishers’ newly emerging needs for protection. The call for protection of published materials was already raised in the 19th century. Even then, newspaper publishers complained that competing papers were publishing articles without conducting research of their own, thereby exploiting the published materials of others. Prior to the digital revolution, the need for protections for publishers was adequately taken into account in the form of the legal protections to which published texts and photographs were subject. Today, however, news publishing houses find themselves increasingly faced with a situation in which other users systematically access their published materials for the sake of their own added value, using these materials in a manner that far exceeds the mere insertion of links to the websites on which the materials were originally published. In view of this development, the legislature is called upon to strike a new balance between the economic interests of news publishers, on the one hand, and commercial users on the other. The introduction of a new ancillary copyright must not, however, be misunderstood as a legislative form of protection of old and outdated business models. The new ancillary copyright protections cannot and should not constitute a correction to structural changes in the market. It is above all the news publishers themselves that must respond to these changes by introducing new offerings of their own.

The new ancillary copyright for news publishers that will be provided alongside existing legal protections also address the concerns of the authors, i.e. above all the journalists: this is provided for in the express provision governing the relationship between the two rights as set forth in § 87g paragraph 3 of the Copyright Act (UrhG), according to which the news publisher’s ancillary copyright rights cannot be asserted to the detriment of the author. Furthermore, § 87h UrhG provides for a reasonable share for the author in the proceeds of published material as generated through licensing under the new ancillary copyright provisions. Accordingly, the introduction of ancillary copyright for news publishers is also in the economic interest of the authors holding a share in the news publication.

Because changed framework conditions for publishers of news items on the Internet also affect the framework conditions for Internet usage overall, the new ancillary copyright should be limited in scope and applicable only insofar as required to protect legitimate publishing interests. All that is required is protection against systematic access to published materials by commercial operators of search engines, and by commercial providers of online services that aggregate content in a manner comparable to that of a search engine. This is because their business model is particularly oriented towards accessing published materials for the benefit of these providers’ own added value. Thus, these protections also apply to services that, rather than search the entire Internet, simply search individual areas thereof, regardless of the technical specifics of the service involved. Known as ‘news aggregators’, these services generate their hits and present their results in the same ways a search engine would. These protections do not, on the other hand, apply to services that use published materials in another manner, e.g. by displaying to the Internet user a selection of publications based on a particular service’s own assessments. Nor will ancillary copyright apply to search functions conducted within a user’s own data holdings. These new protections also do not apply to other users such as e.g. companies or other commercial businesses, associations, law firms, bloggers or private and unpaid users. As a result, the proposed provisions do not mean any changes in the possible uses by other users, or for consumers. These proposed ancillary copyright protections for news publishers will have no impact with regard to their rights and interests.

The proposed legislation does not affect the flow of information on the Internet. Already in 2003, the Federal High Court of Germany [Bundesgerichtshof] found that a mere linking was not a violation of the laws of copyright (Decision handed down 17 July 2003, Case Reference I ZR 259/00 – the ‘Paperboy’ case). The same will hold true with regard to infringement of ancillary copyright protections for news publishing houses. The new ancillary copyright protections thus do not permit prohibition of links to material already published on the Internet. Where ancillary copyright protections accorded to news publishers under the proposed legislation are concerned, the limits of the laws of copyright will also apply; these limits include particularly the freedom to cite passages of published works.

Introduction of ancillary copyright for news publishers will grant news publishing houses a copyright protection of their own that places them in a position to proceed more simply and comprehensively against infringements of rights on the Internet. In case of infringement, news publishers will no longer be required to deliver a complex proof of the chain of rights and can instead proceed directly from their own rights, armed specifically with the power to press injunction claims.

III. Legislative Competence

The legislative competence of the German Federal Government issues from Article 73 paragraph 1 number 9 of the German Constitution [Grundgesetz] (Law of Copyright).

IV. Compatibility with the Legislation of the European Union and International Agreements

The draft legislation is compatible with the laws of the European Union, and with international agreements to which the Federal Republic of Germany is a party.

V. Consequences of the Legislation

1. Sustainability Aspects

The project does not impinge upon any aspects of sustainable development within the terms of the national sustainable development strategy.

2. Budgetary Outlays without Compliance Costs

No budgetary outlays without compliance costs are anticipated at the German federal, state or local government levels.

3. Compliance Costs

The law results in compliance costs. Because the magnitude of these costs cannot be estimated with a reasonable amount of effort at this time, an estimate of the compliance costs to the business community is not possible with a reasonable amount of effort.

Introduction of ancillary copyright protections for news publishers (§ 87f paragraph 1 clause 1 UrhG-E) grants these companies the exclusive right to make news publications publicly available on the Internet for commercial

purposes. It was already possible for news publishing houses to assert rights within the scope of these rights as contractually granted to the authors of the material published, i.e. the journalists in particular. In future, news publishing houses will be able to act on the basis of a related right of copyright of their own.

This ancillary copyright creates a new legal instrument. As a result, there is no basis in experience to which to refer in an effort to estimate the level of remuneration that this will entail. Nor is it the case that estimates of these amounts have been drawn up by the beneficiary news publishers. Furthermore, the draft legislation does not contain any compulsory specifications with regard to how ancillary copyright is to be enforced. Specifically, there are no provisions indicating that the ancillary copyright is to be licensed by the holder of the rights itself, or whether third parties will be commissioned with safeguarding these rights. Against this backdrop, then, there can be no forecasts made of the compliance costs involved hereunder.

4. Further Costs

When the ancillary copyright provisions have been introduced for news publishing houses, the publishing houses will be in a position to demand that providers of search machines and of services similar to search machines pay a fee for online use of news publications. No estimate can be given of the expected volume of remuneration in which this will result. No significant increase in price level, and thus of consumer price levels, is expected.

5. Consequences with Regard to Equality Policy

There are no consequences expected with regard to equality policy.

B. Special Part

On Article 1 (Revision of the Copyright Act of the Federal Republic of Germany [UrhG])

Concerning Number 1

Because Section 7 involves the insertion of new provisions for the protection of news publishers in Part 2 of the Copyright Act, the Table of Contents needed to be supplemented.

Concerning Number 42

Concerning Section 7 (Protections for News Publishers)

Concerning § 87f

§ 87f paragraph 1 specifies that the news publisher is to be the holder of ancillary rights of copyright. It is the news publisher that provides the business-organisational and technical service that publication of news materials requires, and it is also the news publisher that is harmed by the commercial online usage of news material by third parties, a usage that has grown so easy in the digital world. As in the comparable case of the ancillary copyright rights of makers of recordings (§ 85 paragraph 1 clause 2 UrhG), here, too, the principle applies that the news publisher is not only a natural person that produces news materials. Rather, if the news material is produced in a company, the ancillary copyright is vested in the owner of the company. The dispositive consideration here, as in the case of the corresponding provision found in § 85 paragraph 1 clause 2 UrhG, is who bears responsibility for the success of the business, and to whom this success is attributable.

The draft legislation is limited to a grant to the news publisher of an ancillary copyright with regard to the rights to make news materials publicly accessible. In this connection, there is no need to answer the question currently before the Federal High Court of Germany (Case Reference I ZR 116/10, the ‘myvideo’ case). That case poses the question whether, for online use, the right of reproduction for upload to the server can or must be licensed as an independent act of usage. Under the terms of the Coalition Agreement, ancillary copyright is meant to permit the assertion  of rights on the Internet. This protection already obtains if news publishers are given the right to make the news publicly accessible (§ 19a UrhG). There is no necessity to predicate the aim of protecting news publishers on the Internet upon a right of reproduction.

A news publisher’s exclusive rights as interdiction rights also encompass only the right to make the news materials – whether directly or indirectly – publicly available for commercial purposes. By way of departure from the definition of the term ‘commercial’ under the laws of commerce or taxation, the act of making accessible ‘for commercial purposes’ encompasses all acts of rendering accessible of the news materials that are either directly or indirectly connected to the generation of revenues, and all acts of rendering accessible that are connected to gainful employment. The protections that authors and other parties entitled to ancillary copyright enjoy with regard to their works and objects of protection against unlawful use on the Internet, however, shall remain completely intact and are unaffected by this new provision.

Indeed, small segments of news materials are already protected by ancillary copyright. Here there can be no other ruling than what the Federal High Court of Germany held in the ‘Metall auf Metall’ ['Metal on Metal'] case with regard to ancillary copyright protections accorded to makers of recordings (decision handed down 20 November 2008, Case Reference I ZR 112/06). Just as in the case of ancillary copyright protections for makers of recordings the object of protection is not the recording itself, here, too, the object of protection is not the news material but rather the financial, organisational and technical activity on the part of the news publisher instrumental to the specification of the news material. This entrepreneurial contribution extends to every part of the news material; the requisite funds must be forthcoming, whether for a small segment or for the provision of an entire edition. Even a party that makes use of just small segments intervenes in this entrepreneurial activity.

The proposed legislation does not affect the flow of information on the Internet. The mere insertion of an Internet link is not covered under ancillary copyright and remains permissible. Already in 2003, the Federal High Court of Germany found (decision handed down 17 July 2003, Case Reference I ZR 259/00 – the ‘Paperboy’ case) that the placement of a link to a copyrighted work on a duly authorised and publicly available website does not constitute an intervention into the rights of public disclosure of the work. The same holds true for the new ancillary copyright accorded to news publishers.

Under § 87f paragraph 2 UrhG-E, the ancillary copyright is a continuation of a specific determination of the published product, here the news material as an expression of a publisher’s activity. What is relevant here is not the manner in which publication occurs – whether, in other words, the news material is published offline only, in electronic form, or in a combination of offline and online forms. Not every form of publication is protected, however. The publication must constitute part of a collection of journalistic articles issued not once but on a continuous basis under a particular title. This mode of publication is predicated upon editorial selection and regularity of publication of the journalistic articles. Accordingly, a mere compilation of news items does not come under the purview of ancillary copyright protection. Articles intended primarily for self-promotional purposes, such as publications for customer loyalty or to attract new customers, do not enjoy protection.

Where Internet blogs are concerned, a distinction must be drawn. These blogs come in numerous forms. If a blog presents itself as an editorially overseen selection of journalistic articles continuously published under the same title, then even a blogger will enjoy ancillary copyright protection and will be entitled to remuneration if others make use of his or her blog. If e.g. a blogger’s prime occupation is as a freelance journalist, and if the blogger deals with his or her principal topic in the blog, then if the blog makes use of third-party news materials this usage will be deemed to be of a commercial nature under the proposed legislation. If the blog represents an activity that is typical of publishing houses, then the blogger will enjoy the new ancillary copyright protections.

Ancillary copyright protects news materials in their concrete articulation, not the written works contained therein, and not other elements such as graphics or stationary or moving images. Protection of these works and the objects of ancillary copyright shall be determined in accordance with the applicable provisions of the German Copyright Act. Accordingly, news publishers can, as they now can under current law, take action in cases of infringement of copyright or other ancillary copyright rights, based on the agreements in place between authors and ancillary copyright holders, on the one hand, and news publishers on the other.

Concerning § 87g

As a proprietary ancillary copyright without any content from a personality-rights standpoint, the news publisher’s right shall be marketable and transferable in its entirety under § 87g paragraph 1 UrhG-E. In this regard, the law is no different from the law that applies to makers of recordings or films. Clause 2 refers – as do the other ancillary copyright provisions – to §§ 31 and 33 UrhG and declares these to be applicable accordingly. Thus, a news publisher is at liberty to grant another the right to use the news material in individual or in all of the forms of usage reserved to it.

The life of the protection is set forth in paragraph 2. Here, a period of one year from publication would appear to be appropriate and adequate.

The news publisher’s right to the news material is created regardless of the rights, set forth herein, of authors and ancillary copyright holders to the works they have created and to the objects of protection covered by this law. According to paragraph 3, ancillary copyright cannot be exercised to the detriment of the authors and ancillary copyright holders involved in the news material in question. Authors and holders of ancillary copyright still have an opportunity e.g. to engage in online promotion of articles they have written without intervening in existing ancillary copyright protections.

Ancillary copyright for news publishers – like other forms of ancillary copyright – is provided only within the scope of limiting provisions. Under paragraph 4 clause 1, it is permissible to make news materials or parts thereof publicly available insofar as this is not done by commercial operators of search engines or by commercial services that aggregate content in a similar fashion. Naturally, this does not apply to use of copyrighted works contained in the news materials. The forms of usage permissible under law will continue to be determined pursuant to the provisions relevant thereto, in §§ 44a ff. UrhG.

The result is to protect the news publisher against systematic use of its publishing activity on the part of commercial providers of search engines and commercial services that provide content in a similar fashion; both kinds of provider have designed their specific business model around this form of use.

Unaffected by the new legislation, then, are other users such as e.g. bloggers, companies of other commercial purposes, associations, law firms or private and unpaid users. Consequently, these proposed ancillary copyright protections for news publishers will have no impact with regard to their rights and interests.

Under the language of paragraph 4 clause 2, the provisions that, in Part 1 Section 6 of the Copyright Act, limit the exclusive rights of the author of a work, will apply accordingly in the case of ancillary copyright for news publishers. Most importantly, this retains an important right in the news area: the right to cite published materials under § 51 UrhG, provided that the specific point made is the basis for the quotation.

Concerning § 87h

The proposed provision also takes due account of the interests of authors in that it expressly provides for an author’s claim to a share in the proceeds that issue from use of the ancillary copyright. This reiterates the constitutionally founded judgement, expressed in §§ 11 and 32 UrhG, according to which the author must have a reasonable share in the proceeds of every revenue-generating use of his or her work.

Concerning Article 2 (Effective Date)

Article 2 specifies the date on which the legislation is to go into effect. The period of transition is designed to permit an adjustment in copyright practises to the new legal situation.

Name of Document:
Draft Legislation for Seventh Revision of the Copyright Act of the Federal Republic of Germany
Drawn up by: German Federal Ministry of Justice


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    baik tua saya! Dia selalu mengobrol tentang ini.
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    mengambil a jumlah besar berhasil? saya sangat sedikit keahlian pemrograman komputer namun saya dulu berharap
    untuk memulai blog saya sendiri segera. Anyhow, jika Anda memiliki ideas atau tips for
    pemilik blog baru, silakan bagikan. Saya tahu ini di luar topik
    namun saya hanya harus bertanya. Kudos!|
    Hei! Saya sedang bekerja browsing blog Anda dari iphone baru saya!
    Hanya ingin mengatakan saya suka membaca blog Anda dan menantikan semua posting Anda!
    Lanjutkan pekerjaan fantastis!|
    Halo! Ini agak keluar dari topik tapi saya butuh
    advice dari blog yang sudah mapan. Apakah sulit untuk
    membuat blog Anda sendiri? Saya tidak terlalu teknis, tetapi saya dapat memahaminya
    dengan cukup cepat. Saya sedang berpikir tentang membuat milik saya sendiri, tetapi saya tidak yakin harus mulai dari
    mana. Apakah Anda punya ide atau saran? Terima kasih|
    Hai di sana! Apakah Anda menggunakan Twitter?
    Saya ingin mengikuti Anda jika itu oke. Saya pasti menikmati blog Anda dan menantikan postingan baru.|
    Hai di sana, Anda telah melakukan pekerjaan luar biasa.
    saya akan pasti menggalinya dan secara pribadi merekomendasikan kepada teman-teman saya.
    saya yakin mereka akan mendapat manfaat dari situs web
    Hai! Tahukah Anda jika mereka membuat plugin untuk
    assist dengan SEO? Saya mencoba untuk mendapatkan peringkat
    blog saya untuk beberapa kata kunci yang ditargetkan tetapi saya tidak melihat hasil yang sangat baik.
    Jika Anda tahu ada tolong bagikan. Terima kasih!|
    Whats up ini semacam di luar topik tapi saya bertanya-tanya apakah blog menggunakan editor WYSIWYG atau jika Anda
    harus kode secara manual dengan HTML. Saya
    akan segera memulai blog tetapi tidak memiliki know-how coding jadi saya ingin mendapatkan saran dari
    seseorang yang berpengalaman. Bantuan apa pun akan sangat dihargai!|
    Ini adalah pertama kalinya saya pergi untuk melihat di sini dan saya benar-benar terkesan membaca semua
    di sendiri tempat.|
    Ini seperti Anda membaca pikiran saya! Anda tampaknya tahu banyak tentang
    ini, seperti Anda menulis buku di dalamnya atau semacamnya.
    Saya pikir Anda bisa lakukan dengan beberapa foto
    untuk membawa pesan ke rumah sedikit, tapi bukan itu, ini luar biasa.
    Fantastis. Aku akan pasti kembali.|
    Wow, luar biasa! Sudah berapa lama Anda ngeblog?

    Anda membuat blog terlihat mudah. Tampilan keseluruhan site
    Anda fantastis, serta kontennya!|
    Wow, luar biasa weblog tata letak! Berapa lama panjang pernahkah Anda blogging?
    Anda membuat blogging look mudah. Total sekilas
    site Anda indah, apalagi materi konten!}

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  712. Ini terbaik waktu untuk membuat beberapa rencana untuk masa
    depan dan saatnya untuk bahagia. Saya telah membaca posting ini dan jika saya bisa, saya ingin menyarankan Anda beberapa hal menarik
    atau saran. Mungkin Anda bisa menulis artikel selanjutnya yang mengacu pada artikel
    ini. Saya ingin membaca lebih hal tentangnya! bahwa mereka akan membantu, jadi ini terjadi.|
    Anda bisa pasti melihat keterampilan dalam artikel yang Anda tulis.
    The world berharap untuk lebih penulis yang bersemangat seperti
    Anda yang tidak takut untuk menyebutkan bagaimana mereka percaya.
    Setiap saat ikuti hatimu.|
    Bagus artikel. saya akan mengalami beberapa masalah juga ..
    Bagus situs Anda punya di sini.. Ini sulit ditemukan kualitas seperti milik Anda saat ini.
    Saya serius menghargai individu seperti Anda!
    Saya direkomendasikan situs ini oleh sepupu saya. I am tidak yakin apakah posting ini ditulis olehnya sebagai no one else know like so details about my trouble.
    Kamu luar biasa! Terima kasih!|
    Bagus postingan! Kami akan menautkan ke ini konten hebat di situs kami.
    Teruskan menulis yang hebat.|
    Ya Tuhan! Artikel Luar Biasa Bung! Terima kasih, Namun saya mengalami masalah dengan RSS Anda.
    Saya tidak mengerti alasan mengapa Saya tidak bisa bergabung.
    Apakah ada orang lain memiliki mirip RSS masalah?

    Anyone who tahu the answer akankah Anda dengan ramah menanggapi?
    Terima kasih!!|
    Luar Biasa blog! Apakah Anda memiliki petunjuk untuk calon penulis?

    Saya berharap untuk segera memulai situs saya sendiri,
    tetapi saya sedikit bingung dalam segala hal. Apakah Anda merekomendasikan memulai
    dengan platform gratis seperti WordPress atau memilih opsi
    berbayar? Ada begitu banyak pilihan di luar sana sehingga saya sepenuhnya bingung ..
    Ada rekomendasi? Terberkati!|
    sulit ditemukan berpengetahuan luas orang tentang ini topik, tapi kamu terdengar seperti kamu tahu apa yang kamu bicarakan! Terima kasih|
    Saya tidak bahkan tahu caranya saya selesai naik di sini, namun saya pikir ini post dulu hebat.
    Aku tidak tahu siapa kamu mungkin namun pasti kamu pergi
    ke blogger terkenal jika Anda belum sudah. Semangat!|
    Bagus tanggapan sebagai balasan atas masalah ini dengan argumen nyata dan menggambarkan semua tentang itu.|
    Saya tidak bahkan tahu bagaimana saya berakhir di sini,
    tapi saya pikir posting ini hebat. Saya tidak tahu siapa Anda
    tetapi pasti Anda akan pergi ke blogger terkenal jika Anda belum ;) Cheers!|
    Kami sekelompok sukarelawan dan skema pembukaan baru di komunitas kami.
    Situs menawarkan kepada kami berharga informasi untuk dikerjakan. Anda telah menyelesaikan a tangguh tugas dan seluruh
    komunitas akan bersyukur kepada Anda.|
    Baik cara menggambarkan, dan rewel posting untuk mengambil data tentang presentasi saya subyek,
    yang akan saya presentasikan di akademi.|
    Bagus blog di sini! Selain itu situs Anda banyak sangat cepat!
    Apa host Anda penggunaan? Dapatkah Saya mendapatkan affiliate hyperlink
    ke host Anda? Saya keinginan situs saya dimuat dengan cepat seperti milik Anda lol|
    Saya suka blog Anda.. warna & tema yang sangat bagus.
    Apakah Anda membuat situs web ini sendiri atau Anda mempekerjakan seseorang untuk melakukannya untuk
    Anda? Tolong tanggapi karena saya ingin membangun blog saya sendiri dan ingin tahu dari mana Anda mendapatkannya.
    terima kasih banyak|
    Kami sekelompok sukarelawan dan membuka skema baru di komunitas kami.
    situs web Anda menyediakan kepada kami informasi yang berharga untuk dikerjakan. Anda telah telah melakukan a tangguh dan komunitas
    seluruh kami akan bersyukur kepada Anda.|
    Hargai rekomendasi. Akan mencobanya.|
    Mengajukan pertanyaan sebenarnya baik hal jika Anda tidak memahami sesuatu sepenuhnya, tetapi artikel menyediakan baik pemahaman bahkan.|
    Pernahkah Anda mempertimbangkan tentang termasuk sedikit
    lebih dari sekadar artikel Anda? Maksud saya, apa yang
    Anda katakan adalah mendasar dan segalanya.
    Namun demikian pikirkan tentang jika Anda menambahkan beberapa
    grafis atau klip video yang bagus untuk memberikan lebih
    banyak postingan Anda, “pop “! Konten Anda sangat bagus tetapi dengan images dan clips, site ini pasti menjadi salah satu paling bermanfaat di niche-nya.
    Luar Biasa blog!|
    Gaya Anda benar-benar unik dibandingkan dengan other people Saya telah membaca hal-hal dari.
    Saya menghargai Anda untuk memposting ketika Anda
    memiliki kesempatan, Tebak saya akan hanya bookmark ini halaman.|

    whoah weblog ini indah saya sangat suka mempelajari
    postingan Anda. Tetap kerja hebat! Anda tahu, banyak orang adalah mencari bulat untuk informasi ini,
    you can help mereka sangat. kirimkan saya e-mail?|
    Cantik! Ini telah sangat indah post. Terima kasih untuk menyediakan detail ini.|
    Terima kasih, Saya telah baru-baru ini telah mencari info tentang topik ini selama dan milikmu adalah terhebat saya
    menemukan sejauh ini. Namun, bagaimana tentang garis bawah?

    Apakah Anda yakin tentang pasokan?|
    Terima kasih banyak untuk berbagi ini dengan people Anda benar-benar tahu apa Anda berbicara kira-kira!
    Ditandai. Tolong tambahan bicarakan dengan situs web saya =).
    Kami dapat memiliki link perdagangan pengaturan antara kami|
    Saya tidak yakin mengapa tetapi weblog ini memuat sangat lambat untuk saya.

    Apakah ada orang lain yang mengalami problem atau issue di pihak
    saya? Saya akan memeriksa kembali nanti dan melihat apakah masalahnya masih ada.|
    Terima kasih untuk artikel baik. Itu jika sejujurnya dulu akun hiburan itu.
    Sekilas rumit hingga jauh disampaikan sesuai dari
    Anda! Namun, bagaimana bisa kita menjaga korespondensi?|
    saya dulu dapat menemukan informasi yang bagus dari konten Anda.|
    Terima kasih untuk sesuatu yang lain luar biasa artikel.
    Di mana else mungkin siapa saja mendapatkan jenis informasi sedemikian ideal metode
    menulis? Saya telah presentasi selanjutnya minggu,
    dan saya di mencari info tersebut.|
    Terima kasih telah berbagi info Anda. Saya sangat menghargai usaha
    Anda dan saya saya menunggu selanjutnya tulisan terima kasih Anda sekali lagi.|
    Saya blog sering dan saya serius terima kasih atas konten Anda.
    Artikel hebat ini benar-benar menarik minat saya. Saya akan bookmark blog Anda
    dan terus memeriksa detail tentang sekali seminggu.

    Saya memilih untuk RSS feed Anda juga.|
    Hanya keinginan mengatakan bahwa artikel Anda menakjubkan. Kejelasan pada publish adalah hanya spektakuler dan bahwa saya bisa berpikir Anda
    adalah berpengetahuan dalam hal ini. Baik bersama dengan izin biarkan saya untuk clutch RSS
    feed Anda untuk terus update dengan postingan mendekati. Terima
    kasih 1.000.000 dan harap lanjutkan pekerjaan memuaskan.|
    Terima kasih untuk beberapa lainnya informatif
    situs web. Di mana else mungkin saya mendapatkan jenis info
    yang ditulis sedemikian sempurna metode ? saya telah misi yang saya hanya sekarang berjalan, dan saya punya telah di glance untuk info tersebut.|
    Hanya ingin mengatakan bahwa artikel Anda mencengangkan. kejelasan dalam posting Anda hanya hebat dan saya bisa menganggap Anda
    ahli dalam hal ini. Baik dengan izin Anda biarkan saya mengambil feed
    Anda agar update dengan posting yang akan datang. Terima kasih satu juta dan tolong lanjutkan pekerjaan memuaskan.|
    Berguna informasi. Beruntung saya saya menemukan situs Anda secara tidak
    sengaja, dan saya terkejut mengapa putaran nasib tidak terjadi
    sebelumnya! Saya menandainya.|
    Apakah Anda memiliki masalah spam di blog ini; Saya juga seorang blogger, dan saya ingin tahu situasi Anda; banyak
    dari kami telah mengembangkan beberapa praktik yang
    bagus dan kami ingin menukar metode dengan orang lain , pastikan kirimi saya e-mail jika tertarik.|
    Ini sangat menarik, Anda seorang blogger yang sangat terampil.
    I’ve bergabung dengan feed Anda dan berharap dapat melihat lebih banyak
    lagi postingan luar biasa Anda. Juga, Saya telah membagikan situs
    web Anda di jejaring sosial saya!|
    Semuanya diposting membuat sekelompok masuk akal. Tapi, pikirkan tentang ini, misalkan Anda menambahkan sedikit information? Saya
    saya tidak mengatakan konten tidak baik. Anda, namun seandainya Anda menambahkan sesuatu ke mungkin grab perhatian rakyat?
    Maksud saya English translation of ancillary copyright for publishers as passed by German government | der
    presseschauder agak polos. Anda bisa melihat halaman home Yahoo dan melihat bagaimana mereka membuat artikel judul untuk dapatkan orang untuk
    mengeklik. Anda dapat menambahkan video terkait atau gambar terkait
    atau dua untuk ambil pembaca tertarik tentang semuanya telah ditulis.
    Hanya pendapat saya, itu bisa membuat postingan Anda sedikit lebih hidup.|
    Luar Biasa situs yang Anda miliki di sini, tetapi saya penasaran jika Anda mengetahui forum komunitas yang membahas
    topik yang sama dibicarakan dalam artikel ini? Saya sangat suka menjadi bagian dari komunitas online tempat saya bisa mendapatkan opini dari berpengetahuan lainnya individu yang memiliki minat yang sama.
    Jika Anda memiliki rekomendasi, beri tahu saya. Terima kasih!|
    Selamat siang sangat keren situs!! Guy .. Luar Biasa .. Hebat ..
    saya akan mem-bookmark situs Anda dan mengambil umpan tambahan? saya senang mencari banyak membantu informasi di sini di put up,
    kita ingin berolahraga ekstra strategi tentang ini, terima kasih telah berbagi.
    . . . . .|
    Hari ini, saya pergi ke beach dengan children saya.

    Saya menemukan kerang laut dan memberikannya kepada
    putri saya yang berusia 4 tahun dan berkata, “Anda dapat mendengar suara laut jika Anda meletakkan ini di telinga Anda.” Dia menempatkan cangkang ke telinganya dan berteriak.
    Ada kelomang di dalam dan mencubit telinganya.
    Dia tidak pernah ingin kembali! LoL Aku tahu ini
    sepenuhnya di luar topik tapi aku harus memberitahu seseorang!|
    Tetap terus bekerja, kerja bagus!|
    Hei, saya tahu ini di luar topik, tetapi saya bertanya-tanyang jika Anda mengetahui widget apa pun yang dapat saya
    tambahkan ke blog saya yang secara otomatis men-tweet pembaruan twitter terbaru saya.

    Saya telah mencari plug-in seperti ini untuk beberapa waktu dan berharap mungkin Anda akan memiliki pengalaman dengan sesuatu
    seperti ini. Tolong beri tahu saya jika Anda mengalami sesuatu.
    Saya sangat menikmati membaca blog Anda dan saya menantikan pembaruan baru Anda.|
    Saat ini tampaknya seperti WordPress adalah platform blogging pilihan di
    luar sana sekarang juga. (dari apa yang saya baca) Apakah itu yang kamu gunakan di blogmu?|
    Ah, ini adalah sangat postingan yang bagus. Menghabiskan waktu
    dan upaya nyata menghasilkan a top notch artikel… tapi apa yang bisa
    saya katakan… saya menunda-nunda banyak dan tidak berhasil mendapatkan hampir semuanya selesai.|
    Wow itu aneh. Saya baru saja menulis komentar yang sangat panjang tetapi setelah saya mengeklik kirim, komentar saya tidak muncul.

    Grrrr… yah saya tidak akan menulis semua itu lagi.

    Pokoknya, hanya ingin mengatakan blog indah!|
    WOW apa yang saya cari untuk. Datang ke sini dengan mencari rajacuan|
    Bagus artikel. Simpan writing semacam info di blog Anda. Saya sangat terkesan dengan situs Anda.

    Halo di sana, Anda telah menyelesaikan an excellent pekerjaan. saya akan pasti menggalinya dan menurut pendapat saya
    menyarankan kepada teman-teman saya. saya percaya diri mereka akan mendapat manfaat dari situs web ini.|
    Bolehkah saya hanya mengatakan apa lega menemukan seseorang yang sebenarnya tahu apa mereka berbicara tentang di internet.
    Anda benar-benar menyadari bagaimana membawa masalah ke
    titik terang dan menjadikannya penting. Lebih banyak orang
    seharusnya lihat ini dan pahami sisi ini dari Anda.

    Saya tidak percaya Anda tidak lebih populer sejak Anda pasti memiliki hadiah.|
    Kemarin, ketika saya sedang bekerja, kakak saya mencuri iPad saya
    dan mengujinya untuk melihat apakah ia dapat bertahan tiga puluh foot drop, agar dia bisa menjadi sensasi youtube.
    iPad saya sekarang rusak dan dia memiliki 83 tampilan. Saya tahu ini sepenuhnya
    di luar topik, tetapi saya harus membaginya dengan seseorang!|
    Halo di sana! Apakah Anda keberatan jika saya membagikan blog Anda dengan grup zynga saya?
    Ada banyak folks yang menurut saya akan sangat menikmati konten Anda.
    Tolong beritahu saya. Terima kasih|
    Selamat siang! Posting ini tidak bisa ditulis lebih baik!

    Reading through posting ini mengingatkan saya pada teman sekamar baik tua saya!
    Dia selalu berbicara tentang ini. Saya akan meneruskan tulisan ini kepadanya.
    Cukup yakin dia akan membaca dengan baik.

    Terima kasih banyak telah berbagi!|
    Halo! Tahukah Anda jika mereka membuat plugin untuk safeguard
    terhadap peretas? Saya agak paranoid tentang kehilangan semua yang
    telah saya kerjakan dengan keras. Ada rekomendasi?|
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  1047. Following its tango with Hurricane Fiona, it will take several months to restore critical infrastructure brought down by the storm to parts
    of .The hurricane, which made its way up the East Coast last week,
    brought devastation and ruin to areas of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, leaving
    behind an ‘unprecedented’ trail of destruction, according to Canadian officials.One 73-year old woman died
    after being swept out to sea by waves caused by the storm.
    The coast guard and local rescuers recovered her body from the ocean on Sunday afternoon.The woman was
    from Port aux Basques, a town on the southwest tip of Newfoundland with
    about 4,000 residents, which was hit particularly hard by the storm.Fiona previously claimed seven lives
    as it ripped through the Caribbean and Puerto Rico. Brian Button, the mayor of Port
    aux Basques, described the town as ‘like a complete war zone.”Some people have lost everything, and I mean everything,
    ‘ Button told CBC News. ‘The sea was taking back the land and we were
    getting separated. A lot of our homes are built along the coastline along the Atlantic Ocean.
    Down there, Fiona just wiped out parts of that.’More
    than 20 homes were destroyed leaving 200 people in search of shelter as the cost of damage stretches into the millions.It’s ‘going to be months rebuilding.
    I think months is a conservative estimate for some of these people,’ one resident told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.
    Children play along the shoreline next to damaged buildings
    in the aftermath of Hurricane Fiona in Port
    Aux Basques, Newfoundland, Canada September
    25, 2022 Amy Osmond sobs in front of the wreckage of Hurricane
    Fiona in Port Aux Basques, Newfoundland, Canada September 25, 2022
    A lobster boat is seen grounded on the rocks at the
    wharf in Stanley Bridge, Prince Edward Island, Sunday Sept.
    25, 2022 A person looks towards the sea after
    the arrival of Hurricane Fiona in Port Aux Basques, Newfoundland, Canada September 25, 2022 Osmond searches
    through her belongings in the aftermath of Fiona

    more videos

    DM.later(‘bundle’, function()
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    Fiona slammed into eastern Canada on Sunday after days of
    rain and high winds. Its initial impact included winds
    that reached up to 106 miles per hour. A storm surge of more than six
    feet hit Prince Edward Island.Homes, businesses and
    boats along the shore line were swallowed whole by the storm.’The scale of what we’re dealing with, I think it’s unprecedented,’ said Bill Blair, the country’s Emergency Preparedness MinisterThe
    full scale of the storm’s damage is not yet clear, but the Canadian federal government has
    dispatched its armed forces to help clear fallen trees and other storm debris.
    The effort will hopefully allow crews to get into the area and restore power.On Sunday, hundreds of thousands of Canadians
    remained without power in the east. Crews from across the country and the United States
    were dispatched to assist.In some areas, residents have lined up to fill
    gas cans to the brim as they wait for emergency
    crews to restore their homes’ access to power. Officials have warned it will
    likely be weeks before essential services are totally restored. 

    Share this article

    A man carrying a teddy bear walks along the wrecked shore line in Port Aux Basques
    more videos

    DM.later(‘bundle’, function()
    DM.molFeCarousel.init(‘#p-40′, ‘channelCarousel’,
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    Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets Hydro Ottawa workers before they deploy to help with cleanup efforts after the passing of Hurricane Fiona on Monday, September 26
    A damaged Canadian flag blows in the wind as Fiona closed in on Saturday
    Damage caused by Hurricane Fiona in Rose Blanche-Harbour le Cou, Newfoundland and Labrador,
    Canada 28 miles east of Port Aux Basques,
    Fiona caused significant damage in Rose Blanche, Canada Damage to
    a home in Neils Harbour, Nova Scotia caused by Fiona
    Continued Fiona damage. The hurricane also wrought havoc in the Caribbean and Florida, which are now preparing for Tropical Storm Ian
    Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston surveys damage after the passing
    of Fiona more videos

    DM.later(‘bundle’, function()
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    Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston said ‘the devastation is immense’ and
    said the Canadian military has been deployed to help with
    cleanup efforts  Fallen trees lean against a home in Sydney, Nova
    Scotia in the aftermath of FionaHit particularly
    hard by the storm, was Canada’s $3.2 billion lobster
    industry. Chances look slim that boats and harbors will be fully restored by the time the season begins in several
    weeks.Dominic LeBlanc, the minister of intergovernmental affairs, said, ‘Those fishers have a
    very immediate need to be able to access their livelihood once
    the storm passes.’On Monday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met with local hydro workers in the capital on their way to the
    east coast to support the recovery effort.Hurricanes in Canada are somewhat rare, in part because once the storms reach colder waters, they lose their
    main source of energy. But post-tropical cyclones still can have hurricane-strength winds, although they have a cold core and no visible
    eye. more videos

    DM.later(‘bundle’, function()
    DM.molFeCarousel.init(‘#p-60′, ‘channelCarousel’,
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      more videos

    DM.later(‘bundle’, function()
    DM.molFeCarousel.init(‘#p-61′, ‘channelCarousel’,
    “activeClass” : “wocc”,
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    “updateStyleOnHover”: true
    Sheds and boats become subterranean in the wake of the hurricane, which caused 300,000 Canadians to lose power
    Satellite view as Hurricane Fiona moved up the United States Atlantic coast
    A worker assesses downed power lines in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia on Sunday
    Canadians in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia storm prepped by buying out local
    grocery stores in advance of the hurricane that caused
    significant damage across the territories
    Residents of Prince Edward Island fill up gas cans a day after Fiona
    hit, leaving many of them without power

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  1507. Mitch Gould Nutritional Products International Gould hаs “retail” іn his DNA.

    A tһird-generation retail professional, Gould learned tһe consumer goopds industy fгom һis father and grandfather ԝhile growing uup inn Νew
    York City. Ⲟne of his first sales jobs was taking orders from neighbors ffor bagels evеry week.

    As ɑn adult with a career that spans morе than three
    decades, Gould moveed ߋn frоm bagels, cream cheese, and lox to represent mаny of thе
    leading product maanufacturers off consumer goods іn America: Igloo, Rubbermaid,
    Sunbeam, Remington, Chapin, Paramount, Miracle-Gro,
    Native Remedies, Flora Health, Steven Seagal’ѕ Lightning Bolt, Body Basix, ɑnd Hulk Hogan’ѕ extfreme energy granules.

    “I started in thhe lawn and garden industry ƅut expanded mү horizons early on,” saіd Gould, CEO аnd founder oof Nutritional Proiducts
    International, ɑ global brand management firm based іn Boca Raton, Fl.
    “I ᴡorked wіtһ Igloo, Sunbeam, Remington — аll major
    brands һat hwve been leaders in the consumer
    gooⅾѕ industry.”

    Eventually, Gould segued іnto nutditional products.

    “I realized еarly the nutritional supplements were much mοre than just multivitamins,” Gould ѕaid.

    “American consumers ѡere ready to tаke dietary supplements ɑnd health
    ɑnd wellness prooducts іnto a ԝhole new level of retail

    Gould solidified һis success in the healoth and wellness industry tһrough
    his pardtnerships ԝith A-List celebrities ѡho wajted tߋ devlop nutritional products аnd his place in Amazon history whеn tthe nline ecommerce
    retailer expanded ƅeyond books, music, аnd electronics.

    “Ꭰuring myy career, I attended many glas ɑnd charity events where I
    met different celebrities, ѕuch as Hulk Hogan and Chuck Liddel,” Gould ѕaid, ading that hе
    eventyually partnered with sеveral oof tһesе famous entrepreneurs аnd developed nutritional products, ѕuch as Hulk Hogan’ѕ Extreme Energy Granules.

    “Ꮃorking with thеm tⲟ create neww health and wellness products gave me
    ɑ first-hɑnd look intо tһe burgeoning nutritional sector,”
    Gould ѕaid. “І realize that staying healthy ѡas ѵery impоrtant to my generation.
    Μy kids were ven more focused on staying fit andd healthy.”

    Wheen Amazon dedcided tߋ add a health and wellness category, Gould ᴡas aⅼready positioned tto рlace mߋre than 150 brands andd even m᧐re products onto the virtual
    shelves thhe online giant ԝas adding every day in tһe eаrly 2000s.

    “I mmet Jeff Fernandez, ԝһo was onn tһe
    Amazon team that waѕ building tһe neѡ category fгom the ground
    up,” Gould said. “I also had contacts in thee health and wellness
    industry, sufh ass Kenneth Е. Collins, whօ was vice president оf operations
    fߋr Muscle Foods, оne of the largest sports nutrition distributors іn the
    Gould said this “Powerhouse Trifecta” ϲould not have asked for a bеtter synergy bеtween thе tһree of them.

    “Thiis was capitalism аt its best. Amazon demanded new
    hіgh-quality dietary supplements, ɑnd wе supplied tһem with more than 150 brands ɑnd products,” he added.

    Thе “Powerhouse Trifecta” worҝed out soo well thаt
    Gould eventually hired Fernandez tⲟ work for NPI, ѡhеre he is now
    president of tһe company, and Collins, who is the
    neѡ executive vice president ᧐f NPI.

    “We ᴡork well tⲟgether,” Gould ɑdded.

    Fernandez, who also woгked аs a buyer for Walmart, ѕaid the tthree
    of tһem have close to 75 years of restail buying аnd selling experience.

    “NPI clients benefit from oᥙr yеars of knowledge,” Fernandez adɗed.

    Gouod ѕaid product manufactures aгe unlіkely tо find three professionals with our experience representing retailers ɑnd brands.

    “Wе know wһat brands neеd to dօ, and we understand ѡhat retailers want,” Gould ѕaid.

    After his ssuccess ԝith Amazon, Gould founded NPI ɑnd solidified һis рlace іn the dietary supplement ɑnd health and wellness sectors.

    “It waas tіme too concentrate ⲟn health products,” Gould sɑiԁ, adding thhat he һas wоrked wіth more than 200 domestic andd international brands thatt ᴡanted tο
    launch new products оr expand tһeir presence іn the largest consumer market in tthe worlⅾ:
    the United Stаtes.

    “Аs I visited the corporate headquarters ᧐f some of the largest retailers іn thee worⅼd, I realized thаt international brands ᴡeren’t being rrepresented iin American stores,” Gouod ѕaid.

    “I realized tһesе companies, еspecially tһe international brands, strjggled tߋ gain а foothold in American retail stores.”

    Ԝhen Gould surveyed the challenges conronting interational product manufacturers, һe visualized а solution.

    “They were burning tһrough tens оf thousands ᧐f dollars to
    launch tһeir products,” Gould ѕaid. “By thhe tіme thеy sold theіr fiгѕt unit, tһey
    һad eaten away at theіr profit margin.”

    Gould said the biggest challenge ᴡas learning
    two new cultures: America ɑnd Wall Street.

    “Тhey ԁidn’t understand the American consumers, ɑnd theу didn’t know hoԝ American businesses operated,” Gould ѕaid.

    “That is wһere I come in witһ NPI.”
    T᧐ provide the foreign companies ԝith the business
    support tһey needed, Gould developed һiѕ lauded “Evolution ᧐f Distribution” platform.

    “І brought t᧐gether everythіng brands needed to launch thеir products іn the U.S.,” he said.
    “Instead of opening а new office іn America, I mmade NPI
    thheir headquarters іn the U.S. Snce I alгeady hɑԀ a sales staff in pⅼace, they ɗidn’t have to hire ɑ sales team wwith support staff.
    Ӏnstead, NPI dіd it ffor tһem.”

    Gouod sad NPI supplied еverү service tһat brands needed tߋ sell products in America ѕuccessfully.

    “Ѕince mɑny of these products neеded FDA approval, І
    hired a food scientist wiuth mօre than 10 yeaгs experience tоo streamline the approval of tһe products’ labels,”Gould ѕaid.

    NPI’s import, logistics, аnd operations manager ѡorked ѡith new cliients tto mаke sure shipped samples didn’t еnd upp іn quarantine by tһe U.S.


    “Our logistics team һаѕ decades of experience
    importing neѡ products into tһe U.S. to ouг warehouse ɑnd tjen shipping thеm
    tto retail buyers ɑnd retailers,” Gould ѕaid. “NPI offеrs ɑ οne-stߋⲣ, turnkey solution tο
    import, distribute, and market neww products іn the U.Ⴝ.”

    To provide alll tһe brands’ services, Gould
    founded ɑ new company, InHealgh Media, tօ market the brands to consumers and retailers.

    “І saww the companies wasting thouwands оf dollars ᧐n Madisokn Avenue marketing campaigns tһat failed
    to deliver,” Gould ѕaid.

    Instead ⲟf outzourcing marketing to costly agencies ߋr
    building ɑ marketing team from scratch, InHealth Media ѡorks synergistically ԝith іts sister
    company, NPI.

    “InHealth Media’ѕ marketing strategy iѕ perfectly aligned
    withh NPI’ѕ retail expansion plans,” Gould аdded.
    “Together, we import, distribute, and market
    neѡ products аcross tһe country ƅy emphasizing speed tο market at an affordable ρrice.”

    InHealth Media гecently increased itѕ marketing effoorts Ƅy addiing nationaal aand regional TV romotion tߋ its services.

    “Lifestyle TV hosts are the original social media influencers,” Gould ѕaid.
    “Our clients are getting phenomenal coverage that can reach more than 100 million TV households in America. In addition, we are giving them high-quality TV promotions.

    Gould said IHM also has increased its emphasis on “earned media,” which is when journalists and bloggers offer coverage for free instead of the pay and play model that exists in many formats today.

    “We have access to thousands of media professionals that we reach out to on a regular basis,” Gould said. “Because our clients have created innovative products, we have been able to get them coverage in top trade publications and general mass websites, such as HGTV, Forbes, and Vitamin Retailer.

    “You cannot buy this kind of credibility, prestige, and coverage because it is not for sale,” Gould said. “Our team has developed contacts with these major news outlets, which is how they found out about our clients’ products.”

    NPI works with large and small product manufacturers.

    “We emphasize timeliness and affordability,” he said. “We know all the costs, so there are no surprises. When the brand sells its first product to a consumer, they have the profit margin they set as a goal months earlier.”

    Gould is proud of his “Evolution of Distribution” platform.

    “I developed it to help international brands succeed,” Gould said.

    During the years, Gould successfully used his “Evolution of Distribution” to help new brands, such as Scitec Nutrition and Native Remedies, both of which succeeded in conquering the U.S. market..

    “We saw that NPI had lots of experience in helping companies get a good foothold in the U.S. Working together, NPI has been instrumental in introducing us to various key distribution channels (including The Vitamin Shoppe),” said a Scitec Nutrition executive.

    Native Remedies also benefited from NPI’s “Evolution of Distribution.”

    “We are thrilled to have our products available at these top retailers,” said George Luntz, then president and co-founder of Native Remedies. “It is great to have a business partner like NPI helping to expand our market reach. We expect this to be a banner year for us.”

    Gould said he is proud that these companies succeeded with NPI’s help.

    “This is what NPI does,” Gould said. “We find innovative and creative health, wellness, and beauty products, and the NPI and IHM teams work together to introduce them to consumers and retailers.”

    For more information, call 561-544-0719 or visit nutricompany.com.

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    Mark Schaeffer
    Senior Account Executive fߋr Buiness Development
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    150 Palmetto Park Blvd., Suite 800
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  1784. Mitch Gould Nutritional Products International Gould
    һas “retail” in his DNA.

    A thіrⅾ-generation retail professional,
    Gould learned tһe consumer gօods industry fгom
    his father аnd grandfather ᴡhile growing սp in New York City.
    One оf his first sales jobs ԝas tking orders fгom neighbors
    foг bagels everү ᴡeek.

    As ɑn adult with a career thаt spans moгe than thrеe decades,
    Gould moved ⲟn from bagels, cream cheese, annd lox tto represent
    mɑny off the leading product manufacturers ᧐f consumer gоods іn America:
    Igloo, Rubbermaid, Sunbeam, Remington, Chapin,
    Paramount, Miracle-Gro, Native Remedies, Flora Health, Steven Seagal’ѕ
    Ligghtning Bolt, Body Basix, annd Hullk Hogan’ѕ
    extreme energy granules.

    “Istarted in the lawn and garden industry ƅut expanded mʏ horizons earfly
    օn,” sqid Gould, CEO and founder of Nutritional Products International, а global
    brand management frm based іn Boca Raton, Fl. “I worқeɗ with Igloo, Sunbeam, Remington — аll major brands tһаt һave been eaders in the consumer gooԀs industry.”

    Eventually, Gould segued intо nutritional products.

    “І reakized eaгly the nutritional supplements ᴡere
    mᥙch more than just multivitamins,” Gould saiԀ.
    “American consumers werе ready t᧐ take dietawry supplements ɑnd health аnd wellness products
    іnto a whole new level of retail success.”

    Gould soliddified һis success in the health and wellness industry tһrough his partnerships with A-List
    celebrities ᴡһo ԝanted to develop nutritional products аnd his place іn Amazon history
    ᴡhen thhe online ecommerce retailer expanded Ƅeyond
    books, music, аnd electronics.

    “Ɗuring my career, I attended many galas and
    charity events ᴡhere I met diffeerent celebrities, sᥙch as Hulk
    Hogan and Chuck Liddel,” Gould ѕaid, adding that he eventually partnered ѡith ѕeveral of these famous entrepreneurrs and developed nutritional products, ѕuch
    as Hulk Hogan’s Exteme Energy Granules.

    “Woгking witһ them to create new health and wellness products ցave mе a first-hɑnd look intߋ
    the burgeoning nutritional sector,” Gould ѕaid.
    “Ӏ realized tһɑt staying healthy waѕ ᴠery
    important tо my generation. My kids ᴡere even more focused
    on staying fit and healthy.”

    Ꮤhen Amazon decided to add a health and welpness category, Gould ѡas
    alгeady positioned tߋ plaϲe mоre thаn 150
    brands and evеn more products onto tthe virtual shelves tһe onlkne
    giant wаs adding every day in the early 2000s.

    “I met Jeff Fernandez, ѡhο wɑs on the Amazon team tһat waѕ building the new category from the ground
    ᥙp,” Gould saiԁ. “І alsߋ had contacts in thе health
    and wellness industry, ѕuch aas Kenneth Ꭼ. Collins,
    whо was vice president ⲟf operations for Muscle Foods, ⲟne of the largest sports nutrition disgributors іn the world.

    Gould said this “Powerhouse Trifecta” cоuld
    not have asked fߋr a Ƅetter synergy betᴡeen tthe tһree of them.

    “Thіs was capitalism at its best. Amazon demanded neww hiɡh-quality dietary supplements, ɑnd ԝe supplied tһem ԝith morе thаn 150 brands аnd products,” һe

    The “Powerhouse Trifecta” workеd out so well that Gould eventually hired Fernandez tⲟ work
    foor NPI, ѡherе he is now president ߋf the company, аnd Collins, who is the
    new executive vice president oof NPI.

    “Ԝe wߋrk ᴡell togetheг,” Gould аdded.

    Fernandez, who alkso woгked as a buyer fⲟr Walmart, sɑіd the thгee
    οf tһem hwve close tο 75 years of retaikl buying and selling experience.

    “NPI clients benefit from our ʏears of knowledge,” Fernandez addеd.

    Gould saіd product manufacturers are unliқely
    tߋ find three professionals ᴡith our experience represennting
    retailers ɑnd brands.

    “We know what branbds neеd tօ dо, aand ѡe understand
    what retailers ѡant,” Gould said.

    Аfter һis success wiuth Amazon, Gould founded NPI annd solidified һіs place іn thе dietary supplement and health and
    wellness sectors.

    “Ιt waѕ tіme to concentrate on health products,” Goulkd ѕaid, adding that he has worked with more than 200 domestic and international brands tһat
    wanted to launch new products or expand their
    presence in the largest consumer market іn the woгld:
    tһe United Stateѕ.

    “As I visited thee corporate headquarters ⲟf some of tһe largest retailers iin the worⅼd, I
    realized that international brands ѡeren’t beіng represented in Amerrican stores,” Gould ѕaid.
    “І realized tһese companies, еspecially thhe international brands, struggled tߋ gaain ɑ foothold in American retail stores.”

    Ԝhen Gould surveyed the challenges confronting international product manufacturers, һe visualized
    ɑ solution.

    “They wеre burning thrоugh tens of thousands оf dollars tߋ launch their products,” Gould said.
    “By thhe time tһey sold their first unit, theу had eaten away
    at their profit margin.”

    Gould said the biggest challenge ѡas learning tѡo new cultures:
    America annd Wall Street.

    “Тhey didn’t understand tһe American consumers, and thеy diԀn’t know hhow American businesses operated,” Gould ѕaid.

    “Tһat is where I comе in ѡith NPI.”
    To provide the foreign companies with tһe business
    support theʏ neеded, Gould developed һis lauded “Evolution оf Distribution” platform.

    “І brought together everytһing brands needed to launch their products іn the U.S.,
    ” hе saіd. “Instead of opening ɑ nnew office іn America,
    I made NPI thеir headquarters іn the U.S. Siince I already had a sales stafff
    іn рlace, tһey didn’t һave to hire a sales team wioth support staff.
    Іnstead, NPIdid it foг tһеm.”

    Gould sɑіd NPI supplied every service tһat brands neеded t᧐ sell products іn America succeѕsfully.

    “Ѕince many of theѕe products needed FDA approval, I hired a food scientist ᴡith moгe tһan 10 years experience t᧐
    streamline the approval of tthe products’ labels,”
    Gould ѕaid.

    NPI’ѕ import, logistics, and operations
    manager ԝorked wіth new clients to make sure shipped samples ɗidn’t еnd up
    іn quarantine by the U.Ⴝ. Customs.

    “Οur logistics team һas decades of experience importing neѡ products innto tһe U.Ⴝ.

    to our warehouse and thеn shipping tһеm tօ retail buyers and retailers,” Goud sɑid.
    “NPI ⲟffers a one-stop, turnkey solution tο import, distribute, ɑnd market new products in the U.Ѕ.”

    To provide alll tһe brands’ services, Gould founded а new company, InHealth Media, tto msrket thhe brands tⲟ consumers
    and retailers.

    “I sɑw thе companies wasting thousands օf dollars on Madison Avenue mareting
    cmpaigns tһat failed tο deliver,” Gould saіd.

    Instead of outsourcing marketing tо costly agencies օr building a marketing team fгom scratch, InHeaslth Media ᴡorks synergistically
    ѡith its sister company, NPI.

    “InHealtth Media’ѕ marketing strategy is perfectly aligned ѡith
    NPI’ѕ retail expansion plans,” Gould аdded. “Together,
    we import, distribute, ɑnd market neԝ products across the country Ьy emphasizing speed tο market ɑt
    an affordable рrice.”

    InHealth Media recently increased its marketing efforts
    ƅy adding national ɑnd regional TV promotoon to itѕ services.

    “Lifestyle TV hosts are the original social media influencers,” Gould sаіd.
    “Our clients are getting phenomenal coverage that can reach more than 100 million TV households in America. In addition, we are giving them high-quality TV promotions.

    Gould said IHM also has increased its emphasis on “earned media,” which is when journalists and bloggers offer coverage for free instead of the pay and play model that exists in many formats today.

    “We have access to thousands of media professionals that we reach out to on a regular basis,” Gould said. “Because our clients have created innovative products, we have been able to get them coverage in top trade publications and general mass websites, such as HGTV, Forbes, and Vitamin Retailer.

    “You cannot buy this kind of credibility, prestige, and coverage because it is not for sale,” Gould said. “Our team has developed contacts with these major news outlets, which is how they found out about our clients’ products.”

    NPI works with large and small product manufacturers.

    “We emphasize timeliness and affordability,” he said. “We know all the costs, so there are no surprises. When the brand sells its first product to a consumer, they have the profit margin they set as a goal months earlier.”

    Gould is proud of his “Evolution of Distribution” platform.

    “I developed it to help international brands succeed,” Gould said.

    During the years, Gould successfully used his “Evolution of Distribution” to help new brands, such as Scitec Nutrition and Native Remedies, both of which succeeded in conquering the U.S. market..

    “We saw that NPI had lots of experience in helping companies get a good foothold in the U.S. Working together, NPI has been instrumental in introducing us to various key distribution channels (including The Vitamin Shoppe),” said a Scitec Nutrition executive.

    Native Remedies also benefited from NPI’s “Evolution of Distribution.”

    “We are thrilled to have our products available at these top retailers,” said George Luntz, then president and co-founder of Native Remedies. “It is great to have a business partner like NPI helping to expand our market reach. We expect this to be a banner year for us.”

    Gould said he is proud that these companies succeeded with NPI’s help.

    “This is what NPI does,” Gould said. “We find innovative and creative health, wellness, and beauty products, and the NPI and IHM teams work together to introduce them to consumers and retailers.”

    For more information, call 561-544-0719 or visit nutricompany.com.

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